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DoccieDraaiorgel Erelid
WMRindex: 151 OTindex: 5.767 S |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1VgOmGyKgM |
Tom-Servo Oudgediende
WMRindex: 19.823 OTindex: 17.809
Nu online -- deeese, DoccieDraaiorgel, Frostbite, hellborg, jero, jessin, Kasjet, Kristel, ledi, Mamsie, metrolhb, Missvamp, MrBizarro, Opa Zot, Preddie, Reco19, SamuiAxe, siobhan, Stopcontact, Tom-Servo, Wilco en nog 126 anderen |
Nu online -- deeese, DoccieDraaiorgel, Jersan, jessin, Kasjet, Kristel, ledi, leviathan, Mamsie, metrolhb, mikko, Missvamp, MrBizarro, nosphoenix, Opa Zot, Reco19, Stopcontact, Wilco, Yue en nog 131 anderen` |
bouwboy Erelid
WMRindex: 674 OTindex: 2.097
Extreme Workout |
http://www.mazes.org.uk/i/10010001m.gif |
bouwboy Erelid
WMRindex: 674 OTindex: 2.097
peanuts |
Firefox can't find the server at jersan.waarmaarraar.nl. |
bouwboy Erelid
WMRindex: 674 OTindex: 2.097
This time WIKING has succeeded in creating a model of Fliegl’s powerful “Giant” ASW288 dumper truck in 1:32 which is not only true to the original in terms of the detail but above all also in terms of its functions. The model demonstrates those functions in exactly the same way as the original vehicle. Thus the principle of the movable front wall that can be hydraulically pushed backwards towards the back of the dumper in order to push off the load being carried can be authentically simulated – a sheer pleasure for die-cast enthusiasts. The ASW 288 is designed for universal use as a means of transporting not only all kinds of spreading materials such as cow dung and poultry manure but also bulk pourable goods such as sewage sludge, compost or lime. The Fliegl “Giant” dumper truck was awarded the silver medal at Agritechnica by the German Agriculture Association on account of its multi-purpose design. It can be put together with any of WIKING’s tractors to create attractive combinations. |
Een plattelandsdokter zij mij desgevraagd “ik zeg tegen jonge mensen, als je doorrookt en geluk hebt krijg je longkanker, want dan ga je dood, als je echter pech hebt krijg je een zgn. rokersbeen (door vernauwde bloedvaten) het moet stukje voor stukje worden geamputeerd, wij noemen dat een salamibeen” |
bouwboy Erelid
WMRindex: 674 OTindex: 2.097
@DHNCentraal waarom worden de wybertjes in kruispatroon geplaatst. en niet gewoon van links naar rechts. |
http://hugelol.org/fresh |
bouwboy Erelid
WMRindex: 674 OTindex: 2.097
kastijding |
bouwboy Erelid
WMRindex: 674 OTindex: 2.097
slabs |
bouwboy Erelid
WMRindex: 674 OTindex: 2.097
http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/524646_268682766592440_1181738517_n.jpg |
http://www.cookandco.nl/Admin/Public/GetImage.aspx?Image=/Files/Billeder/Ecom/Products/Large/723152.jpg&Width=530&Height=400&crop=5&AlternativeImage=/Files/Templates/Designs/CookAndCo/images/products/image_not_available_large.jpg |
bouwboy Erelid
WMRindex: 674 OTindex: 2.097
lepeltjes Oudgediende
WMRindex: 2.486 OTindex: 5.862
[color=white] |
DoccieDraaiorgel Erelid
WMRindex: 151 OTindex: 5.767 S |
http://www.youtube.com/user/minutephysics |
Nempe tenens, quod amo haerens nihil te amplexa verebor. <3 |
C05D8CDB-417D-4335-A38C-A0659EDFD6B8 |
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ae/Tripod_easel.jpg/220px-Tripod_easel.jpg |
DoccieDraaiorgel Erelid
WMRindex: 151 OTindex: 5.767 S |
http://www.sevendays.nl/artikel/186175 |
bouwboy Erelid
WMRindex: 674 OTindex: 2.097