@Buchters: Heb het even voor je opgezocht..
''She glanced at it and mistook the total for the approximate amount of the eatery's normal monthly bill — about $1,280, she said Sunday. "I just looked real quick. With auto pay, I never have a problem."
But when she called the bank to see if the rent check on the storefront had cleared, she heard some distressing news.
The bank had cleared the check but with a bill that large — tax alone was $96,250.90 — her account had slipped deeply into the red. "They say, 'Hey, you are negative $1 million.' I asked how can that happen, they said, 'Xcel Energy charged you $1 million.' "
Ze stond dus wel degelijk 1 miljoen rood.

(sorry voor dubbelpost, voeg ze maar samen ofzo?)